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The way a consultant thinks is perhaps more important than what a consultant knows. It goes beyond what is in the curriculum and delves into the character of the person. So, we asked our business intelligence consultants: “What exactly does it value to hire Tableau consultant in Iran?”
One of the common characteristics of all Tableau consultants is their insatiable desire to learn. You could say that Tableau consultants are born and do not create. For this particular attribute, we totally agree. The end-to-end process of taking advantage of the data to understand the business is so complete that it involves so many different technologies, techniques and tools that there seems to be an infinite amount of learning. When they are not on the site, the passions of Tableau consultants lead them to read, practice, watch and absorb all they can from the best visual practices (data visualization Solutions in Iran), data preparation, ETL and more.
There is so much to learn that only those who are truly inspired can begin to master such a diverse range of skills. The impulse behind continuing to learn is the belief that there is always a better way to do something. Even with an elegant solution, additional knowledge can direct the entire project in a new and more efficient direction
Client Focused Behavior
A common misconception is that being a data person makes you introverted. This is incorrect for two reasons. First of all, it is a stereotype about the “nerd culture”. As proud nerds, we assure you that there are as many noisy and gregarious nerds as timid and lonely nerds. Nerds come in all sizes, types, personalities and colors.
The advice in its base is to find value for the client. The only way to share that value is through understanding and communication. The Tableau consultant must first understand what the customer needs, what he or she can actually implement, and the timeframe in which this need should be met. Then, the consultant must communicate why their solution is the best option and how that solution can be implemented. Understanding and communication are the basis of a strong consultant. It seems simple, but that is the magic secret. Listening attentively all the time is the best way to find out what your client wants, even if they cannot directly tell you what they want at the beginning of the project. It’s all about Tableau Consulting Services in Iran and BI Consulting services In Iran.