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Conventionally all the work related to HR has been done manually. Technology has its implications in the human resources that are quite evident from the practices of the big giants and blue chip companies. Such companies keep changing with the environmental changes or else we can see them doomed.
Human resources isn’t just about recruiting a talent and then selecting them. It’s much more than those rosy phrases. HR is such an extensive field now that strategic HRM has taken its own place as a separate course and is taught at different educational institutions. Strategies are developed based on the analysis of existing datasheets of company’s representatives.
Performance appraisal systems help in rewarding the employees based on performance. Now the performance is judged by the HR metrics used in HR softwares that perform analysis. There are statistical techniques that do the task of rating or ranking different employees based on standard and benchmark performances. Numerical figures are associated with either of the methods used e.g. paired comparisons etc.
Compensation management helps in structuring the emoluments for various job posts based on the level of the job, difficulty of tasks, rank and other factors. Added benefits and financial perks are thus determined by the management and are run in the software.
Talent acquisition refers to the individuals thus hired through different mediums, getting their biodata, reference and background checks and might also include online job portals for easy access for both the applicant and the employer. This helps in easy retrieval of the data.
360 degree feedback is the most appropriate way of getting to know all in all about an employee. Managers or supervisors ratings will contain bias errors but 360 degree means knowing by all possible means. Inquiring from the colleagues, managers and direct reports helps in true picture of the employee’s condition.
Trainings are an important part of HR system. All levels of employees need training. Training design can be comprehensively made; training room requirements, time, location, room arrangements, delivery methods and styles, equipment required and a lot of other things can be included and patched up in a training scheme made on the HR management system.
Human resources is a vast field that can cover hundreds and thousands of books but most important of those are discussed above.