A well designed data model is the cornerstone to building business intelligence and data warehouse applications that provide significant business value. Effective data modeling results in transforming data into an enterprise information asset that is consistent, comprehensive and current. Data is transformed from operational or source systems into a data warehouse and often data marts or OLAP cubes for analysis. This course provides the fundamental techniques to designing the data warehouse, data marts or cubes that enable business intelligence reporting and analytics.
This online training course discusses the two logical data modeling approaches of Entity-Relationship (ER) and dimensional modeling. ER modeling is used to establish the baseline data model while dimensional modeling is the cornerstone to Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Warehousing (DW) applications. These modeling techniques have expanded and matured as best practices have emerged from years of experience in data modeling in enterprises of all sizes and industries. These techniques improve the business value of the data, enhance project productivity and reduce the time to develop applications.
This course includes a mix of concepts, applications and practical examples.
You will learn:
- the basics of Entity-Relationship (ER) and dimensional modeling.
- the benefits and applicability of Dimensional Data Modeling.
- how to create Dimensional Data Models for BI and DW applications.
- how to learn more about Data Modeling.
This course is geared towards:
- Beginning Data Modelers.
- Business Analysts and Architects.
- Database Administrators and Analysts.
- Information Technology Managers, Project Managers.
- Application Development Project Team Members.
- People involved in design and maintenance of Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence applications.
- People involved in data quality or data governance processes.
DM-04 Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Data Modeling
DM-04-00 About the Course (6 min)
DM-04-01 Introduction to Data Modeling (75 min)
- Data Modeling Overview
- Entity-Relationship Modeling Overview
- Normalization
DM-04-02 Dimensional Modeling Basics (88 min)
- What is Dimensional Modeling?
- Facts.
- Dimensions.
- Schemas.
- Entity-Relationship vs. Dimenstional Modeling .
- Purpose of Dimensional Modeling.
- Fact Tables.
- Dimensional Modeling Vocabulary.
DM-04-03 Advanced Dimensional Modeling (84 min)
- Hierarchies.
- Slowly Changing Dimensions.
- Rapidly Changing Dimension.
- Casual Dimensions.
- Multi-Valued Dimensions.
- Snowflaking.
- Junk Dimensions.
- Value Brand Reporting.
- Heterogeneous Products.
- How Swappable Dimensions.
- Too Few or Too Many Dimensions.
- Benefits of Dimensional Modeling.