Erpisto Staff Management module contains the staff profile information related to the basic and professional staff and it also provides information about the salary details. Complete staff records are maintained in our staff management portal and it also provides a customized searching mechanism where one can search for a staff member by their name or assigned duties or their employee ID. Their profiles are updated from time to time and it also assists in assigning duties to each staff member via this portal. Admin can view Attendance of all the Staffs whereas Staff can view their own attendance only. Salary record of each staff member is also maintained here and all their queries are catered via our portal. Login details of all the staff members are also maintained and admin has its complete authority along with that of changing password.
Main Features of Staff Management System
- Erpisto Reporting and advanced Analytics allow you to process various reports related to the staff information.
- Search the staff records from the list through the use of different filters including academic session, staff details or school branch.
- You can view, add and update the staff profile which includes contact details, personal details, official details, salary details and skill details.
- You can map the staff with the department, course, qualification, grade, school branch and salary.
- It is also very convenient to set the class teachers from staff against section and grade.
Main Benefits of Staff Management System
- Erpisto Staff management reduces the human effort by making everything computerized.
- Eliminates all human errors and reduces labour force.
- It can be used at different locations simultaneously.
- Erpisto reduces the complexity of maintaining records and easily perform tasks of book keeping.