Erpisto POS let simplifies the creation and management of Purchase Orders
Erpisto offers the Purchase order generation feature which facilitate users in creating and managing the purchase orders directly from POS. Purchase orders appear as outstanding after the submission till the closure of items receivable from management console. Erpisto backend inventory tracking gives a detailed view of all products which includes the costs and present stock level.

Main Benefits of Purchase Order Generation

Vendor Cards Creation

Users have an ability to create vendor cards for reordering the ingredients and items. Vendor card includes shipping terms, contact info and the tax rates. Vendors have an ability to get linked in towards certain ingredients and products in combination with the default ordering information.

Edit the PO information instantly from form

You can order the units, conversion factor, price, comments, quantity and shipping terms and all this can easily be edited from PO form.

Purchase Orders Generation

Erpisto POS allows the users to select items which they like to order and then they have to click the generate PO option which auto populates the vendor information in addition to the shipping information.

Reordering tabs

Items can easily be ordered from reorder tab and it lists all the items linked with vendor and vice versa.

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