Training is considered as a crucial step in the life cycle of project.
This phase include the onsite coordinator(s) prepare the environments for you and let you succeed in the corporate environment and these environments are created for training, disaster recovery setup and production. When our experts make the necessary environments ready, then PeopleQlik experts offer the training to the individuals as follows:

PeopleQlik experts offer the functional training on the implemented product which will be offered to process owners who can be from various regions. It focus on covering the required functional training on areas of the modules which are procured by the customers. As per our experience, we expect this training to be conducted for a time duration of 8 to 10 working data per batch and it include 20 to 25 participants which include the hands on sessions. Duration of the functional training vary which depends on modules that are part of and that are targeted for the training. During the training period, handouts are distributed as training materials output and these materials are provided to participants.

Target audience for the technical administrator training are the ones who are the technical administrators and who have technical know-how of the working of web based solutions. Technical training provided by us cover the necessary audits, organizational structural changes, schedules batch processes, workflow definition changes and Ad-hoc reports writing for helping the HRMS users. We expect every training under this category for period of 5 to 7 working days and it can include 15 to 20 participants to include the hands on sessions. Necessary handouts are provided in the shape of training materials and they are provided to the participants during this period.

This kind of training involves training for the trainers on functionality of product who train the end users about the usage of the system. This kind of training is a small version of functionality training where trainer will focus on areas that end users will operate on regular basis. This training will typically involve participant’s education on type of common usage which the end users do like the filling up of the appraisals and pay slips viewing and getting feedback from others in system. We always expect the training session for at least 4 working days per batch and it include the hands on sessions as well. During the mentioned time period, all the necessary handouts in form of training materials will be offered to related participants.

You can easily get the self-running demonstrations which are targeted at end users about how they can use the system. This training is other than the normal training which the internal trainers provide. Self-running demonstrations are provided to the customers with the delivery of final production version product and you can easily upload it on knowledge repository for making it beneficial for the end users. PeopleQlik training services are offered to let the people organizations reap maximum benefits and enjoy their success through knowledgeable and trained people.