You can’t really be agile if your testing is entirely reactive and manual, since testing quickly becomes a bottleneck that impedes the goal of delivering new features every few weeks. However, many agile analytics teams continue to rely on insufficient testing practices. Agile testing involves three key elements: tools and technology, principles and practices, and mindset and behaviors. This course will introduce you to agile testing principles, test-first development practices,the importance of testing as a front-end development driver rather than a back-end quality assurance activity, and effective open source database testing tools. This class will also introduce the mindset that testing and quality is everyone’s job, and that each person on an agile analytics team has a part in testing.
You Will Learn
- How to keep a continuous focus on quality
- Agile testing framework versus conventional testing
- Database testing techniques
- Principles for developing robust test suites
- Open source testing tools such as Fitnesse/DbFit and Cucumber
- How to version control your test suites
- Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
- Test-Driven Development (TDD)
- Testing roles and responsibilities
- Writing good Acceptance Criteria for DW/BI user stories
Geared To
- Data warehouse architects, designers, developers, and administrators
- Business intelligence practitioners
- Business analysts and product owners
- Data warehousing project managers